My Story
I grew up in a few very small towns in the Free State of South Africa. And when I say small I mean small, like 13 kids in my matric year. Places where I could be wild and solitary and get lost in the Lesotho mountains if I wanted to, but where I still found myself.
I find joy in many many things, books and poetry, the sound of the sea and quietness of a fynbos veld, walls full of graffiti in Woodstock and Soutrivier. Besides collecting rocks and plastic dinosaurs, I also write poetry, which may appear randomly on the website.
I was a geologist for years, but then I did a friend’s website in the middle of the 2000s by teaching myself HTML and CSS and I was hooked. I was, and still am, fascinated by the contrast of the HTML language at the backend that is just code and the output of a beautiful website that can be viewed by someone in Iceland on the opposite site of the globe.
I worked for a corporate company as the inhouse web designer for many years, but it is the freelance work I do for small businesses where my passion lies. Anyway so here I am, now living in Observatory, Cape Town, as a freelance web designer, designing websites and logos and brochures and booklets or whatever can be done with Wordpress, Adobe Photoshop, Indesign, Dreamweaver and the imagination.
Seekat Logo
First of all I love the sea, there is so many weird things to be found there and we still have so much to learn from the ocean. The octopus (from the greek octo (eight) and pous (feet) is called seekat in Afrikaans, which directly translated means seacat) is an incredible creature with a very alien intelligence, I mean it’s family includes slugs! And think what it can do, change shape and colour, solve complex problem, use shells and coconut husks to hide in or just for fun, it has brains in its tentacles. And what octopus also means to me is stories about mythical beings like the kraken from Jorge Luis Borges’ Book of Imaginary Beings to Jules Verne’s 20 000 Leagues Beneath the Sea, HP Lovecraft’s The Call of Cthulhu and China Mieville’s Kraken.
Like the octopus is fast learning and flexible, my vision for this website is being able to adjust for each clients’ needs and to use my knowledge and creativity to be most effective.
To work with entrepreneurs and small businesses to help them establish and grow their business online to create more sales and awareness.
die skommeling van die see
microcosmus marinus – it is said to inhabit the seas of norway, but i have not seen the [kraken]
– carl linnaeus (system naturae, 1735)
teen die kante van die duikboot
wieg pienk en blou anemone
saam met die skommeling van die see
wat storm daarbo
’n paling swem luierig
uit die oopgebreekte kajuit
en langs die koper stuur
nou groen soos malagiet
waak die kraken liefdevol
oor die antieke duikpak
haar agt massiewe tentakels streel
af en toe oor die koper helm
om die gekraakte glasvenstertjie
skoon te hou en die vlae sand
van sy geraamte
af te was
op die vloer van die duikboot
is tientalle muntstukke van sirakuse
pragtige skulpe
’n gebreekte griekse vaas twee silwer klokke
en ‘n marmerbeeldjie van marseille
versigtig gerangskik
netjies uitgepak
skatte wat sy vir hom bring
indien hy eendag